Tomahawk Trail Film Opinion

Tomahawk trail is a classic Western formula it talks about Indian ferocity, it talks about Apache atrocities, it shows essentially the American army in American settlers outnumbered and threatened by an overwhelming force of Native Americans.

Opinion about the film: Not only has Hollywood led the villains of Old West movies to be believed to be Indians, but it has conceptualized cowboys as heroes when clearly Native Americans originating from the United States were gradually marginalized from their own land by Of these half-American, half-European cowboys, the films turned the story in favor of their largest audience, so we can say that this film does not stick to the story, and these events were altered to fit well with white-skinned people, contributing to that each time its own people do not know what their true history of their country and their people is like.

About the book: In the book of Sherman Alexie, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, you can see these same types of stereotypes but this time we see it from the perspective of one, if not of many of those affected by the belief of the majority of people in the United States that Indians are the enemies of white Americans. But also from Arnold's perspective we learned more about the Native American Indians and so threw and denied many things that were said and were not correct. At the same time we learned more about how the Indians truly think and act.

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